Ananda Kanan means “the Garden of Bliss.” This 66-acre rural community is a project of Ananda Marga, a worldwide spiritual and social service organization. Its purpose is to provide a supportive environment for personal growth while serving as a model of sustainable cooperative living. In its first years of existence, during the 1980s and 90s, its main activity centered around retreats held by both the parent organization and other groups from within the region.
Since the COVID crisis, the focus has shifted to meeting people’s emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.
We are offering classes and workshops in emotional healing, art and spiritual practices in an environment of peace and natural beauty located in the heart of the Ozarks.
Ozarks Plein Air Retreat October 25-27, 2024

Join us at the Ozarks Plein Air Retreat!
You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity for beginners or experienced artists in all mediums to paint in a beautiful setting of the Ozarks and work with Michael McClure, a nationally known artist who will serve as a mentor offering advice and guidance.
Facilities at Ananda Kanan

Ananda Kanan offers a wide range of accommodations and indoor and outdoor facilities.
You can choose between private, well-outfitted cabins or dormitories.
The outdoor facilities include walking trails, a lake, and a pickelball court. Rivers and longer trails are nearby.